Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Stills Challenge~Best photos 2009

While the red barn of my youth is still my favorite, I combed through my photos to find two different barns or ranches. The bottom one is what I call the "red ranch" which is actually located in Palm Desert, CA! YES! A ranch here in my home town! While it doesn't have a spectacular barn, I love driving by the ranch house. It is in a state of...disrepair...and I'm sure it is scheduled to be torn down, so I try to stop by it every now and then. I like this photo because it shows its "disrepair". At one time, I'm sure it was a lively, thriving ranch. Now, only the wind whispers in its empty shell. Very sad. The top one is a barn near Bridgeport, California. It IS a working ranch and barn and hubby and I stopped there in June, when the fields were blooming. One sad, vacant ranch and another one which is alive and vibrant! Sunday Stills Challenge for January 10, 2010.