Sunday, September 27, 2009

orchard and barn~Scenic Sunday for 092709

Sometimes I just go out driving, armed with my cameras. On this afternoon, I had worked a couple of the horses at the ranch and, since it was a nice COOL DAY (yesterday it was 109 here in the desert...sigh...), I went driving out toward Anza/Borrego on Coyote Springs Road. What an interesting name, right? There were many ranches out that way and this one had an orchard AND a nice red barn! Scenic Sunday for September 27, 2009.


  1. That red one really pops out against all the natural was hot here too...100. It's finally cooling down today...

  2. It is a such pretty scene. I can picture this scene of the orchard and the barn and the hillside. Thanks for shairng your scenic Sunday.
