Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Luxury barn, Western Sierras~Barn Charm~January 31, 2012

We found this beautifully kept barn on the road while up in the western Sierras last June.  I was going through my archived photos on hubby's laptop since this one is going kaput and I rarely have Internet access on it anymore.  I found a few barn photos that I'll be posting in the next few weeks, so this blog will be up and running again!  Barn Charm for January 31, 2012.  To visit Barn Charm, please follow this link:   http://bluffareadaily.blogspot.com/


  1. well that's one beautifully maintained barn!

  2. Looks much more "ranchy" than our dairy barns here in Wisconsin.


  3. This is a beautiful barn and one that is unique. The way the windows are done up where the loft would be are so interesting. Such nice captures. genie

  4. Lovely shape. I have one that I will post in the next few weeks that looks a lot like this. It has been converted into an organic store/flower shop.

  5. what an interesting barn. not the norm for my area in VA. (:
